Case Study Project UI/UX Website August 26, 2022

Beleaf Farms

In 2019, Beleaf Farms started out as a humble hydroponic farm. After success in improving the yield, quality and consistency of its produce, it has been supplying high quality fresh produce to retailers, restaurants and customers.

In 2022, Beleaf developed and start implementing a new program – Farming as a Service (FaaS). Under this program, Beleaf supports specially selected partner farms end to end with high quality inputs, best practices, agronomy guidance, tech support, sales and marketing to ensure that farms optimize their product getting the best quality, yield and value consistently.


Live Link:


Our collaboration with Beleaf Farms aimed to elevate their digital presence and products, and enhance the online experience for their guests, and partners.

  • Strategy

    Web Development, UI & UX Strategy, Digital Product

  • Design

    UI/UX Design, User-Centric Design, Mobile Optimization

  • Client

    Beleaf Farms

  • Production

    Website, Mobile App, Dashboard App, Web App

  • Platforms

    Desktop, iOS, Android

  • Client Location

    Jakarta, Indonesia

⬤ 01. Outcome

We delivered exceptional results through innovative website development, intuitive UI/UX design, and robust mobile and web applications.

Crafted a visually appealing and cohesive design that reflects the brand’s identity.

Ensured seamless accessibility and usability across all devices, enhancing the user experience.

Color palette

/ Foundations
SCSS var

R 62
G 176
B 73

American Green

Racing Green
SCSS var

R 16
G 49
B 43


Intense Green

SCSS var

R 244
G 145
B 163

Cherry Foam

SCSS var

R 240
G 240
B 240

White Smoke


/ Scales

Circular Std


Instead of utilizing contrast purely for the purpose of mitigating who are excited about unique ideas and help digital companies.

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Body Text

With more than 16+ years of experience, our team has become a leader in digital design and innovations.



With more than 16+ years of experience, our team has become a leader in digital design and innovations.
⬤ 02. Web App, Mobile App, Dashboard

We designed robust web & mobile applications with essential features tailored to the client’s needs, and with scalable solutions.

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to discuss a new project.
